Daftar Jurnal Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma


  • SAJMR : Southeast Asian Journal of Management and Research

    SAJMR: Southeast Asian Journal of Management and Research is an academic journal that focuses on the field of Management Science and research in the Southeast Asian region. This journal aims to be an important platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals in the field of management to share knowledge, information, and the latest thoughts in efforts to enhance understanding of management in this region.

    Journal Title : Southeast Asian Journal of Management and Research
    Initials : SAJMR
    Frequency : 4 Months ( February, Mei, Agust, November)
    E-ISSN : 3024-8787
    DOI Prefix : 10.61402
    Accreditation : International Copernicus, Garuda 
    Chief Editor : Dr. Tasrim, M.Si
    Publisher : Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma


  • Crossroad Research Journal

    Crossroad Research Journal is an academic journal that focuses on the field of Multidisiplin Science. This journal aims to be an important platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals in the field of management to share knowledge, information, and the latest thoughts in efforts to enhance understanding of in this region.

    Journal Title : Crossroad Research Journal
    Initials : SCRJ
    Frequency : 2 Months ( Januari, Maret, Mei, Juli, Sept, Novem)
    E-ISSN : 3062-7818
    DOI Prefix : 10.61402
    Accreditation : ISSN, Garuda, International Copenicus
    Chief Editor : Dr. Angga Kurniawan 
    Publisher : Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma




    INCLUSIVE SOCIETY COMMUNITY SERVIES (ISCO) is an academic journal that focuses on community service publications carried out by practitioners and academics in the field of community service. This journal aims to document and disseminate relevant knowledge and experience in an effort to improve community welfare.


    Initials : ISCO
    Frequency : 6 Months ( February, April, Jun, Agust, Oktober, Desember)
    E-ISSN : 3026-3158
    DOI Prefix : 10.61402
    Accreditation : Garuda, Copernicus
    Chief Editor : Tyagita Dianingtias Sudibyo S.E. M.M 
    Publisher : Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma



  • YPAD Penerbit

    YPAD International Book adalah penerbit Buku yang mengumpulkan penulis, peneliti, dan akademisi dari seluruh dunia untuk berbagi karya-karya berdampak di berbagai bidang. Dengan mengutamakan kualitas dan ketepatan, memastikan setiap publikasi melalui seleksi ketat oleh tim editorial ahli. Secara khusus, karya-karya buku dari penulis dapat terindeks di Google Scholar, menandakan pentingnya dalam dunia ilmiah. YPad menerbitkan beragam buku, mulai dari buku teks hingga jurnal ilmiah, yang mencakup berbagai disiplin ilmu seperti ilmu sosial, ilmu alam, kedokteran, teknik, dan humaniora. Dengan komitmen untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan berkualitas, YPad International Book tetap memberikan kontribusi dalam kemajuan pengetahuan di seluruh dunia.

    Title : YPad International Book
    Initials : YPAD
    Frequency : 1 Year 
    IKAPI : Proses
    DOI Prefix : 10.61402
    Accreditation : Google Scholar, ISBN, Perpusnas
    Website : https://ypad.store
    Publisher : Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma (YPAD Penerbit)